These terms and conditions (referred to as the “Terms” in the remainder of this document) apply to your subscription to the Klira service, and our supply of the Klira treatments. Please do read these Terms carefully to ensure you fully understand how our subscription service works. If you have any question about these terms, or the Klira service, please do not hesitate to get in contact in any of the following ways:
By email to: [email protected]
By post to: LABS Triangle, Camden Lock Market, Chalk Farm Road, London, NW1 8AB.
Who We Are
We are Klira Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales with company registration number 13184286. Our registered address is LABS Triangle, Camden Lock Market, Chalk Farm Road, London, NW1 8AB.
Subscribing to Klira
You have been prescribed a Klira Special by your doctor. This treatment is delivered to you monthly, so to ensure timely, regular delivery of your treatment creams this is a subscription service.
Once, on receipt of the email confirming your prescription, you register and pay for your subscription, your Klira Special will be sent out to you within 5 days.
What’s Included in the Klira Services
Your subscription to Klira includes the following:
Access to the Klira platform, and your personal account section of the Klira website, where your bespoke treatment plan can be reviewed, updated or cancelled.
Delivery of the treatment plan prescribed by your doctor.
A unique dispenser, engineered by Klira to deliver exactly the correct dosage of treatment, that you will use with the refills we supply to you.
A monthly delivery of refills of your Special to be used with your Klira dispenser.
When you will get your Treatments
We will send your treatments out to you at the same time each month, to ensure that you always have the right amount needed to follow your treatment plan.
If you believe your Special has not arrived when they should have done please contact us and we will let you know when your next delivery is due.
Payment for your Subscription
Subscriptions are £59 paid on a month-by-month basis
Payment must be made in advance of the subscription term. Unless you cancel your subscription (see the ‘Cancelling Your Subscription’ section of these Terms below for information on how to do this), your subscription will automatically renew for the same subscription term at the end of the then current subscription term.
We may, on occasions, need to increase the price of your subscription package. We will give you at least 1 month’s notice of any price increase, and the updated price will take effect on your next subscription term renewal.
We accept all major credit and debit cards and our payment provider will store you card details for future payments. All payment card information is kept securely and is not disclosed to anyone other than our payment provider.
If, for any reason, we are unable to successfully take a payment from you we will contact you using the contact information you have provided to us to notify you of the failed payment and to ask for updated, or alternative, payment information. If, after 2 weeks, we have not been provided with updated, or alterative, payment information we will suspend your account and no further deliveries of your Klira treatments, or Specials, will be made to you. You will still be liable for the balance of your subscription, which we will seek to recover from you, but your account will not automatically renew at the end of the then current subscription term.
Availability Outside of the UK
Klira subscriptions are only available to persons living in the UK. We cannot accept subscriptions from anyone not based in the UK and cannot deliver the Klira treatments, or Specials, outside of the UK. If your account shows that you are not based in the UK we will cancel your subscription and refund to you any money you may have paid.
Age Restrictions
Klira subscriptions are only available to persons aged 18 or over. We cannot accept subscriptions from anyone below the age of 18. If we have reason to believe that you are under 18, or your account shows that you are under 18 we will cancel your subscription and refund to you any money you may have paid. We reserve the right to ask for proof of age prior to delivering any Klira treatments, or Specials, to you.
Suspending or Cancelling your Subscription
Your Klira subscription has a minimum term of 6 months, after this time period you can cancel your subscription at any point by following the instructions in the ‘My Account’ section of the website. Alternatively, you can email us to request cancellation using the email address listed above and tell us that you would like to cancel your Klira subscription.
As soon as possible after we have been notified that you wish to suspend or cancel your Klira subscription we will contact you via email to confirm the date on which your Klira subscription will cease.
Your Klira subscription will end on the day immediately before the next renewal of your Klira subscription. For example, if you are on a monthly subscription and you pay your subscription fee on the 10th of the month your Klira subscription will end on the next 9th day of the month that immediately follows your cancellation request.
If you cancel your Klira subscription, after 12 months your account will be deleted and, should you wish to restart your Klira subscription you will need to complete the new account process before any treatments will be supplied to you.
Unfortunately we cannot refund any money to you if you cancel your Klira subscription part-way through its term but we will, of course, supply all scheduled deliveries of your Klira Treatments for the remainder of your subscription term.
If, after you have suspended your Klira subscription, you wish to restart your Klira subscription, you can easily do so via the ‘My Account’ section of the website. Depending on the length of time that has elapsed between your suspension and the reactivation of your Klira subscription we may require you to undertake the ‘new account’ process.
Your Rights as a Consumer
As a consumer you have a number of legal rights in respect of the products and services we provide. Your normal right to cooling-off, however, is subject to a number of exceptions that are applicable to Klira’s subscription service.
First, you are not entitled to exercise your rights of cooling-off, and therefore get a refund, for any products that have been made specifically for you. This covers the Special which is formulated specifically for you based on your requirements. If you exercise your rights to cooling off after we have delivered the Special to you then we will charge you the equivalent of one month’s subscription fee and then terminate your account.
In addition to your cooling off rights, you have a number of other rights, as a consumer.
If any product we supply to you is faulty, damaged, or is not as described, you have the right to return the product in question to us, and we will either:
refund you an amount of money that represents the value of the product returned; or
send you a replacement product.
We will also refund you your reasonable costs incurred in returning the product to us.
The above sets out our entire liability to you in respect of faulty or damaged products.
Our Products
Any images and descriptions of our products on our website are illustrative only, and the actual products you receive may differ from those displayed. The functionality will be the same as advertised and conform in all material respect with their description.
The Klira treatments, including the Special, are made using a number of natural ingredients and, as such, are subject to differences as between batches. It also means that they must be stored in accordance with their storage instructions and must not be used beyond the ‘use by’ date stated on the product. We cannot accept any liability for any harm caused if you fail to follow these instructions.
The Special will be prepared by our appointed pharmacist who will ensure that its formulation is exactly as required for your specific treatment program.
We are providing the Klira treatments, and Special, to you in your capacity as a consumer. The Special you are provided with will be formulated specifically for you and your needs and must not be sold to, or used by, anyone else. We take absolutely no responsibility for, and shall have no liability to, anyone other than the subscriber for the use of the Klira treatments and/or the Special.
As the Special contains medical ingredients that can only be dispensed by a licensed pharmacist your Special will be prepared, and sent to you, by our nominated pharmacy partner, Roseway Labs, a pharmacy regulated by the General Pharmaceutical Council. Further information regarding Roseway Labs can be found here: https://rosewaylabs.com/. If you have any concerns about your Special, or it has arrived damaged, please let us know and we will deal with any issues that may have arisen.
Some Klira treatment regimens include medicines used outside their UK license. By signing up to the Klira Service you are doing so in the knowledge that some of the Klira treatments, provided may contain medicines used outside their UK license.
Our Liability to you
In the event that we do something wrong, and you wish to bring a claim against us, this section outlines in what ways we have liability to you.
Nothing in these Terms seeks to exclude any liability we may have to you for death, or personal injury, where that has been caused by our negligence.
Nothing in these Terms seeks to exclude any liability we may have to you in respect of fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation, or for any other liability that cannot be excluded in law.
Save for as outlined above, our total liability to you, no matter what form that liability may take, is limited to the sum of £5,000.
Personal Data and Data Protection
We take the protection of your personal data incredibly seriously and have put in place robust policies and procedures to ensure that your personal data is protected, and only shared with third parties that we need to share it with to provide you with the Klira Services.
Full details regarding how we handle your personal data, and who we share it with, can be found in our privacy policy which is located here: www.klirapro.com/privacy-policy
If you have any complaints about any aspect of the Klira service, or any of the Klira treatments, including the Special please contact us immediately and we will address your complaint in a timely, and professional manner.
Law and Jurisdiction
Hopefully there will be no need to think about going to court, but in the event that either of us has to, these Terms are governed by English law and wherever you live you can bring claims against us in the English courts. If you live in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland, you can also bring claims against us in the courts of the country you live in. We can claim against you in the courts of the country you live in.
Other Important Terms
Your subscription to Klira is personal to you and you cannot assign or transfer it to anyone else.
We can assign or transfer your contract with us so that a different organisation is responsible for supplying your product. We’ll tell you in writing if this happens and we’ll ensure that the transfer won’t affect your rights under the contract.
This contract is between you and us. Nobody else can enforce it and neither of us will need to ask anybody else to sign-off on ending or changing it. If a court or other authority decides that some of these terms are unlawful, the rest will continue to apply.
We might not immediately chase you for not doing something (like paying) or for doing something you’re not allowed to, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do it later.